25 Elena Caragiani Bucharest 1, Romania


Georgeta Constantinescu @ Art Busan || International Art Fair 2017 Korea || The Gallery Steiner

Image of Dominic Steiner and two Georgeta Constantinescu's paintings

Dominic Steiner from the gallery Steiner and two of Georgeta Constantinescu’s paintings ( both on the left side)

Image of Georgeta Constantinescu's paintings @Art Busan Korea 2017

Georgeta Constantinescu’s paintings @Art Busan Korea 2017 ( the first three from right t o left)


Artist Georgeta Constantinescu’s paintings at Art Busan Korea 2017 || The Gallery Steiner

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Unique Project in Romania – Arts Harmony, 3 Dec 2015

Pe 3 decembrie, de la 18:30, la Biblioteca Naţională a României, artistul plastic Georgeta Constantinescu şi hair designer-ul Cristina Grama îi invită pe iubitorii de frumos la vernisajul expoziţiei “Armonia artelor”, un eveniment artistic care surprinde privitorii prin originalitatea conceptului, conform unui comunicat de presă.

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Invitation to the opening of Arts Harmony painting exhibition 3 December 2015

Tuesday, 3rd of December 2015 at 18:30 you are invited to the opening of Georgeta Constantinescu’s Arts Harmony painting exhibition hosted by Romania’s National Library.
The event is organised by painter Georgeta Constantinescu and hair-styler Cristina Grama inside the Sympozium Hall of Romania’s National Library – 22nd Unirii Boulevard.
The gallery will remain open until 15th of December 2015.

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